
Super Chefs Final 2023 – Leighton Park School

We are thrilled to report that our school's finalists Alavya and Anya recently took part in the final of Leighton…

1 year ago


It Snowed! EYFS children made the most of the snow today. We wrapped up warm in our forest school clothes…

1 year ago

Leighton Park Super Chefs Competition by Year 5

On 23 February our class was invited to take part in the Leighton Park Super Chefs Competition. It's a really…

1 year ago

World Thinking Day 2023

We celebrated World Thinking Day on Wednesday 22nd February, this is a celebration of Guiding and Scouting around the world.…

1 year ago

Winners of Eco-Schools Biodiversity School of the Year Award

Fantastic News! Hemdean House School has achieved a national award from Eco-Schools for their work on Biodiversity. Thank you to…

1 year ago

Year 6’s Trip to the Ure Museum

On Tuesday, 29th November 2022, Year 6 went on a trip to the Ure Museum at Reading University to learn…

2 years ago

Character Values: Integrity

Following on from last term's value of courage, our focus in the latter half of the autumn is integrity. A…

2 years ago

Character Values: Courage

We will focus on a different character value each half-term this year. To start us off this half term, our…

2 years ago

Berkshire Maestros’ Junior Music Festival 2021

Members of our Junior Choir were invited to the Hexagon on Wednesday to sing songs about saving the planet with…

3 years ago


Fluffy came into Hemdean to visit the children. She is a Hermanns tortoise who is 15 years old. She loves…

3 years ago