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Character Values: Courage

We will focus on a different character value each half-term this year.

To start us off this half term, our focus is on the character value: COURAGE.

In our whole school assembly, we listened to true stories about people in the past who have shown courage in their lives. We thought about how they can inspire us to live courageously too.

Nelson Mandela demonstrated great courage as a champion for equality of rights for black and white people. He survived 27 years in prison for standing up for what he believed in and never gave up. His work for the African National Congress made him a hero of justice.

Florence Nightingale was another example of bravery. She grew up in a wealthy family with great privileges that meant she would never be expected to work. Instead, she went against those rules, followed her dreams and studied to be a nurse. She used her nursing skills to treat sick and injured soldiers from the Crimean War. Often her work required her to work in dirty and unsafe conditions. A true heroine!

In our school assembly, we learnt how courage spot (a yellow spot) can help us to overcome fears and anxieties (anxiety spot) even when they seem very big. We can face our fears with courage. In assembly, the children learned about ways they can show courage in different situations:

Pupils can show courage when they overcome their fear and do the following:

· Ask the teacher for help in class when they don’t understand

· Own up to doing something wrong

· Speak in front of others, e.g. in assembly or to the whole class

· Step out of their comfort zone to learn something new

· Give things they find back to the owner

· Stick up for their classmates when they are treated unfairly

· Tell the truth about something that has happened

· Stand up to bullies

· Be themselves

· Try out new foods – even if it starts with just a lick!

In the classroom and around school, the staff are keen to celebrate this important character value because courage is important and small acts of courage always lead to bigger ones.

Here at Hemdean House School, we look forward to hearing of the many different ways the children will show courage both in school and out of school. Next term, we will be focusing on INTEGRITY.

Trish Lopes

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