Recycling Week

11th June 21

This week was Recycling Week and the recycled inventions made over half term showed a lot of creativity and fun, from games to bird feeders and bird homes, science experiments to makeup and pencil tidies all made from “junk” were colourful and well thought out. In this important week the Eco Committee submitted their final paperwork to Surfers Against Sewage who are running the Plastic Free Schools initiative which we have been working towards in conjunction with Caversham Traders. We are now waiting with baited breath to see whether we achieve our goal, watch out for more news. Our Environmental initiative continued in our lessons with Year 1 and 2 learning about pollution in water and experimenting with different natural materials to find out which was the best filter. The answer is a combination of leaves, grass and daisies! Reception on the other hand explored how the oceans can be polluted by fertiliser and pesticide runoff and how we can keep our oceans and beaches clean. Our children are truly inspirational.